Soft Stones
Public art installation exhibited at The New Deichmanske Library, Oslo (NO) part of ’700K’ group show, September – November 2020
Katri Paunu

Textiles, Sand, Recycled Styrofoam Beads, Wood, Headphones & Player
Katri Paunu, 2020

Installation by Katri Paunu, music by Manno Rantanen
The new Deichmanske library exhibition ’700 Kunst’
The Soft stones consists of several large scaled textile boulders inviting the audience to slow down, listen and sit with them. Libraries are often seen as a place for written knowledge but this installation seeks to disrupt this idea and to offer a corridor, where the senses of hearing, touching and looking intertwine.
As the opposite of a naturalistic and traditional sense of a garden, this imaginary garden aims to depict and simulate in a playful way a kind of micro cosmos within all of us. The textile boulders resemble a round cell like structures and shapes most life forms on earth is built upon. The chosen textures and colours elaborate the often unlooked strange beauty we can find around us and within.